其實...每個人心裡都有一個空缺, 只是大小因人而異 而且有的人絲毫不感覺到它的存在總是開懷自在, 有的人卻視這個缺口為生命的全部痛苦難熬, 甚至以為這塊缺角掌握在世界上其他人的手裡.
To tell the truth... there is a hole in the mind of each of us, it's just that each person has the different proportion or deepness of it, and some never aware of its existence- happy-go-lucky, on the other hand, some take this emptiness as his whole life-living painfully, furthermore they believe that the lacking-part must be possessed by someone else on earth.
2 則留言:
台北-曼谷這段什麼人都有 很多看來是從日本韓國美國轉機到泰國的 曼谷-米蘭這段就幾乎全是義大利人了 所以倒沒去注意到泰勞 而且整個感覺品質(包括出發前會主動來電跟我們確認機位等等..)好像還比華航好耶(雖然很久沒坐華航了)
謝謝!!不過越後面色彩越強烈 別被嚇到喔!