好不容易來到一個出口, 卻被複雜心思化身成的多腳怪物纏住,還奪走了她意識中僅存的判斷能力 When they arrive in an exit at last, a monster formed from her twisted mind catches her, taking away her few-left ability of judgment.
「maybe what I’m looking for is deep down this abyss ..」if tomorrow will not come, it will not have any more expectation; without expectation, it will not have disappointment.
「would you like coming to travel with me?」a balloon stops by and asks.
Beniflower up high above the clouds, so enviable so fabulous, isn’t it? However, is she satisfied with her superior status? She just can’t help looking down this unknown world, trying to find out the person who holds her ‘lacking-part’.