星期四, 5月 19, 2011

Byebye cuttle-dog 透抽狗拜拜!

透抽狗要住進名人家裡了, 雖然有點不捨, 還真是替她高興!!

My cuttle-dog is going to live with a celebrity, I feel a little sentimental but I'm turly happy for her!!

Young Art Taipei 2011

我和 Stefano在 Young Art Taipei 2011的展出實況
所有照片 :

Stefano and I, our joint exhibition in Young Art Taipei 2011.
All the fotos:

星期日, 5月 01, 2011

Our first joint exhibition in Taiwan 我們在台灣的首次聯展

這是我和 stefano 在台灣參加的第一次大型聯展 王朝飯店9樓924室
展期只有三天 05/13~05/15

以及四幅小品畫作 30x40cm

Stefano and I are having our first joint exhibition in Taiwan at 9th floor (room 924) of Taipei Dynasty Hotel ( Taipei Young art 2011)
From 13/05 to 15/05/2011
Welcome visiting us!!

Below are 4 small size paintings on canvas (30x40cm)