星期五, 4月 11, 2008
Beniflower的奇幻世界 Beniflower's tideland-27,28
她得到了自己所欠缺的東西,可是奇怪的是並沒有因為感到充實滿足而快樂. 就在精靈掠過的瞬間像變法術一樣感覺前所未有的煥然一新,原來過去一直只看到自己‘沒有’的部分而沒有欣賞過‘擁有’的美好 She’s got what she lacked, nevertheless, she neither feels fulfilled nor happy. At the moment while the elf sweeps her, magically she feels turning into brand-new, it turns out to be that she’s kept looking at her ‘lacking’ part and never appreciated the wonder of her ‘having’ part.
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The bridge is purpose, no? The idea of a bridge being incomplete is so clear. But what is a bridge if not a way to get from one side to another. Slavery to freedom? Poor to rich? Childhood to maturity? Sadness to happiness? Sick to healthy? Fractured to completed?
When I drew this image, the bridge without ending came up in my mind spontaneously. Maybe the way to go was not on the bridge, but flying up or falling down.